CCOL TIME IN HOT CAR: A trip to Cardigan in the sun
I do not normally relish the thought of spending really hot days in a car, but this afternoon we had an amazing drive up through mid/west Wales to get to Cardigan.
As the sun gave us her best appearance so far this year, we hurtled through the country lanes with a nice mix of Willie Williams, Horace Andy, Alton Ellis and various other reggae classics helping heap on the summer vibes.
We stopped off a few times for a look around and to take some photographs, first stop was Llandovery to have a look at the castle and this fantastic steel sculpture of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd ruler of Wales, 1039-63 (above).

We stopped in Newcastle Emlyn for chips.

At Cenarth, famous for it's coracles, we stopped to have a look at the water falls and a chat with the guys fishing before the final couple of miles to Cardigan.

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