TAXI FOR MR BLAIR!: Sick Note order ride for Big Toe

Time for a quick exit son.
Sick Note, those lovely people who invited us all to ‘Phone In Sick’ back in January take their rebelliousness a step further with their latest offering, a slightly more direct call for a ‘Taxi for Mr Blair’.
‘Taxi’ is probably the most full on four to the floor stomper so far, with a massive pounding rhythm the likes of which has not been heard since Leftfield left the area. The thing that lifts the ‘Note above others though is the fact that there are real drums, real bass and real vocals there to give it an organic edge you do not get with common all bedroom techno. This must be one of the most danceable ‘protest’ songs EVER! Let’s hope this gets noticed before Tony’s taxi really does arrive. Oi! BBC, check this out and use it when the long arm of the law comes a knockin’ at number ten cos of the cash for peerages.
The track can be downloaded from their myspace, but the CD demo has a few little extras on. ‘Headshot’ recorded live (at the Walkabout in Cardiff we think) which starts with the shout “we don’t wanna see anybody else on the dance floor, we want you on the fuckin’ stage”, which brings back memories the entire audience climbing on stage to dance, much to the bemusement of the bar staff and bouncers. There is also a studio version of the Captain Beefheart cover ‘Gimmie Dat Harp’, which previously appeared on the ‘Live At The BBC’ demo and has had the feet tapping here at Iguana HQ for months now; “I like a jig I like a dance, reminds me of a scene from deliverance, I like a dance I like a Jig, but I aint squealing like a pig”. Classic.
There is also a nice little bonus of a video of ‘Freelance Opportunist’ just to keep things interesting.
You really do need to check these out live before they go intergalactic, they aint gonna be in this pond for long!
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