Here is a round up of a few of the events still to come.
CARDIFF BIG WEEKEND 4/5/6 AUGUST: its big, its in Cardiff, its on the weekend, and its FREE. Some decent bands tucked away amongst the crap and the biggest mobile fun fair in Wales. (Not as good as it used to be!)
USK MUSIC EVENT 5TH AUGUST: it is in Usk and it is an event involving music… actually a half decent line up, THE DAMNED, 999, THIS SYSTEM KILLS, THE SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY BAND(??!!) and many more
CELTIC BLUE ROCK 5TH AUGUST One day thing in beautiful west Wales with Powersteppers
BIG GREEN GATHERING: its big, its green.. you get the picture…. HAPPENING AS I TYPE
ENDORSE IT IN DORSET 11 TO 13 AUGUST: The Iguana tribe will be there… as will RDF, Senser, Hayseed Dixie, the Beat, Pronghorn and many more… will you?
BULLDOG BASH 10th to 13th AUGUST Biker Heaven
SHAMBALA FAMILY CAMP 16 to 20 AUGUST A bit like the Shambala festival, but more kid orientated
EARTH FIRST SUMMER GATHERING 16 to 20 AUGUST : Eco warriors of the world unite
FLOATING LOTUS 18 to 20 AUGUST: gathering near malvern, with Kava Kava, Astralasia, and our butty the Earthdoctor... only 300 tickets!
GREEN MAN: 18 to 20TH AUGUST: Near Brecon, sold out!
BEAUTIFUL DAYS 18 TO 20 AUGUST: levellers gathering in Plymouth, Sold out
SECRET GARDEN PARTY 18 to 20 AUGUST Shhhhh it’s a secret (nice website though)
REGGAE FESTIVAL OF WALES 19th AUGUST Is it on? Is it off? Who knows!
SOLFEST: 25 to 27TH AUGUST: wicked looking do in Cumbria… SOLD OUT
CARLING (READING/LEEDS) AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY: Commercial nonsense from Vince power
CAMP FOR CLIMATE ACTION 26 AUG TO 4TH SEPTEMBER: grass roots activist gathering thing
OFF THE TRACKS 1 to 3 SEPTEMBER Festival in a hotel, much better than it sounds, 45 real ales and Dreadzone
CROW POINT 15 to 17 SEPTEMBER: Celebrating 100 years of Newport transported bridge, with Asian Dub Foundation FREE
This really is scratching the surface. The best resource for festival information is Festival Eye magazine. Unfortunately Andy does not put the dates on line, to encourage people to buy the mag. This years mag is the best ever and worth getting your mits on... even if we are half way through the season!
And if that aint enough for you.... the footy starts again on saturday
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