Mmmmmm…. How to blog a festival. Well, for a start, it soon gets difficult to remember what you did with whom and when, everything starts to get a bit blurry by the second night. Apart from that, some things go on that you simply do not want to be posting on the net. So… Here are some random memories of bands and things that tie in with some of me photos.

ZION TRAIN: This lot have been a big favourite of mine for about 15 years now, which makes it all the more disappointing that they did not do it for me at all. The loss of Molara on vocals was one thing, the best bit about the train has always been the music, but the guy rapping all over the top of everything just spoiled it me thinx. We have gone from beautiful female vocals to harsh masculine vocals, which were fine on certain songs, but whereas there used to be long stretches where you could get lost in the music this new guy seemed to be rapping constantly.

SHOOGLENIFTY: Seemed a little bit more folky than rocky to me this weekend, but then they were on early in the afternoon, the sun was shining (boy was it HOT) and everyone was laid back. Cool, but can’t wait to see them later in the summer late at night with the full light show and everyone going nuts.

SICK NOTE: I love these boys; I think they are going to be massive. Which makes it particularly frustrating that I allowed the artist formerly known as Ginger to lure me to the pub with visions of cold beer and somewhere cool to sit out of the sun. Once there I decided I might as well watch the England v Portugal game. The banter with all the England fans was fun, especially as they lost, but I am sure Sick Note would have been a better way to spend my time. When we got back to the ranch Ginger decided to watch Brazil France on TV the size of my phone, at which point I gave up and went to the gig without him.

FREESTYLERS DJ SET: Really rocked the house with huge mashed up beats and booming bass lines. Would have preferred a proper Freestylers set, I thought they were a little too predictable with their choice of platters to spin, but hey… probably the best thing on the main stage all weekend.


THREE GEEZERS DOING AN ACOUSTIC SKIFFLE KAREOKE THING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHEN ALL THE P.A.s HAD BEEN SHUT OFF: It annoys me that some people can turn their hand to any instrument, it also annoys me when people seem to know how to play almost any song you care to chuck at them. Awesome, for clever f*ckers

OUTRAGEOUS DEATH DEFYING STUNTS FROM SOME INDIAN FELLA: juggling carving knives one handed and picking up a cannon ball with his eyelid. You get the picture, impressive stuff you would not want to try your self at home (or anywhere else)

VARIOUS UNKNOWN BANDS: There were lots of nice little bands we stumbled upon on the many stages, many of them we did not know who they were. I have to say not one of them could be described as crap, all of them were quite decent, particularly impressive was the number of extremely talented youngsters out there.

WANDERING AROUND THE SITE: For the size of the festival, the market was really very good, and there were lots of things to do wherever you went.

DOSSING AROUND THE CAMPSITE: We had quite a posse together for this, biggest I can remember for a while. After loaning my caravan to a mate and him smashing it up, I agreed to tow the Ginger one’s caravan up, but that proved to be no longer road worthy, so it was back to tents. The weather was fine though so it was not a problem. Many a happy hour was spent sat in Sam’s gazebo getting slowly wasted and talking crap. The festival bizarrely finished at 7pm on the Sunday so we spent the entire evening around the campsite and even had a game of boules.
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