SAT SHED BOOGIE AND BEYOND: Free mixes to download.

After giving his new mix a listen I decided to have a root through his links and revisit some of his older posts. My hard drive is starting to clog up with stuff I have now found. Many of you will find this old hat, but this is all fairly new to me; I have been too paranoid about viruses to do much downloading but Number one daughter persuaded me to let her download some stuff then the next thing you know I was up till the wee small hours plucking old classics from Limewire. Anyway…. I will highlight some of the stuff I have found from diving off S.A.T.’s virtual surfboard.There are a couple of sites where you can find mixes uploaded.
BoomBox deals only with ‘Virtual Mix Tapes’, i.e. compilations of stuff already released but not remixed by the ‘uploader’, cos re-mixing obviously has legal implications. It looks like anyone with a bit of technical knowledge and a half decent record collection can upload. There is shed loads of stuff on there and I aint even scratched the surface, but I did find a few interesting things done by BONG, the poor mans Orb. I particularly liked his ‘Cosmic Ambience (Your’e Going Home Ina)’ and ‘Astral Chatterlings’. the quality obviously varies, but I aint found any howlers (yet). You can even download covers to print out.
Beatonic appears to be stuff uploaded by ‘proper DJs’, the Paul Murphy ‘Afro Beat Mix' is nothing short of awesome, I also liked the Boogieburg ‘Solid Steel Mix’. There’s some other stuff I have downloaded from there but not had a chance to listen to them all yet.
The mixes on the above sites are downloaded as one long MP3, which can be a bit annoying when trying to work out what it is you are listening to or if you want to skip to your favourite bits, but on the other hand maybe they should be listened to as a complete piece of work to be fully appreciated.
Also through rummaging around SATs blog I happened across Go Home Productions, where Mark Vilder has some MP3 goodies for you to plunder (his words, not mine). He has done some pretty wicked mash up/bootleg thingys, I particularly like ‘Strung Out’, which mixes Elvis Presley and the Farm (yes, the Farm) and his mash up of Primal Scream’s ‘Kowalski’ with the Beatles and Beyonce.
This is just a sample of some of the stuff I have found since surfing off SATs platform, Big shout to ya SAT, who ever you are!
While we are on the subject of freebies, you can download a welly full of really nasty crusty hardcore by going to the 'pukebox' on Scrap Records , home of 2000 Dirty Squatters. Not quite as classy as SAT and his mates, but stuff that is pretty hard to get hold of elsewhere.
Watch this space, i am sure i will have more for you in the future!
re: looooong mixes. If you use Nero you can add "breakpoints" to the mix - basically cutting it up into individual tracks. Still plays as a long mix, except you can skip tracks. I'll have to show you how (its not hard and only takes a few minutes).
Couple more sites I'm addicted to:
which is a promo blog - the guy reviews new stuff and puts up a couple of high-quality mp3s for download. Not always my cuppa ( there's hiphop, house, jazz, lounge etc) but always worth a listen.
And also, the mighty DJ River:
this guy does hour long ambient/chill/jazzy-dubby mixes, and they're fantastic. You can also download the Nero Cue file (which automatically inserts yer breakpoints - see above). Try his blueroom and Ambient Chillout mixes. Recommended for summer evenings.
p.s you download stuff from Limewire? are you MAAAADD? virus alert auggah auggah. And then blog about it? uh-oh lol
seriously, be careful with those "popular" p2p systems. a quarter of the files aren't what they say they are, and another quarter are just worms/trojans/virii.
If you DO decide to become Captain Hook, try Soulseek. It'll have more of what you're after.
AND DON'T RUN LIMEWIRE ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT FER CHRISTSAKE. Unless you fancy reinstalling everything. Better still, don't use it at all.
Big cheers for the big-ups Mr. peppermint.
This is going make me post more!
The Boogie Shed is very random + came about as a way of "remembering" links to music/sites I found - a kind of virtual scrapbook!
A poor mans ipod - didn't matter where I was - if it has a 'puter I can still have my soundtrack!
The main praise should go to Bong + Mr. Beatonic - they have the dedication!
P.S Everyone I show this site/blog to really likes it - great summer festie pics + info - keep up the great work - S.A.T
PPS(!) Al Iguana those links look great - today's research! especially Nero + creating "breakpoints" in a mix etc.
Sat: here's a guide on how to create cuesheets manually :
I don't know what software you use to make your mixes, but a lot of them allow you to save the cue file as well as the wav/mp3 file, which saves time.
All your listeners then do is download your mix and cue file, select "Burn to disc" in nero, select the cue file, and it does the rest. :)
Top man!
Cue sheets are on there way - I'm also investigating ID3 tags to add covers/pics/trklistings etc.
Looked into nero - only runs on pc - I'm a mac user -grrrr!
Cheers again - I'll keep you posted on how it's going ;-)
My pleasure SAT.
the football season is over and the summer is on it's way, so you can expect more posts about campfires, wellies, factor 15 suncream, sheeps milk icecream, candle powered steam boats, beanburgers, dodgy toilets, novelty foam tophats, Tequila slammers, chocolate orange space fudge, farmhouse cider, king size rizla, glow sticks, fire jugglers and 12 lihghters for a pound.
The sun has got her hat on and i am off out to the gardern to get in the mood.
Brilliant! Hey that list.....Tequila slammers, farmhouse cider....pure torture!
Very sunny here too :-) and hey I know fat rooney boy's now missing and the world beaters are as we always are ......but it is a world cup summer!
No glastonbury big-screen this year - but I'm sure something will turn up!
The Quater finals of the world cup will be a on a big screen at the work house festival
Ahh the heat of the sun, the smell of tofu, the sound of global beats and watching England get knocked out on penalties. I can't wait.
At least this time around we've got a keeper that can jump! (....hopefully!)
This might be old news...and an old mix...but it's new to me!
I found this SECRET KLF MIX: The Sound Of Mu(sic) MP3
and thought I would share my treasure!
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