The Peppermint Iguana Radio Show launches

PEPPERMINT IGUANA RADIO SHOW SUCCESS SHOCK. Well, nobody expected that, the Peppermint Iguana Radio Show burst into cyber space on 4th October like a drunk coming out of a pub, stumbled, got up then ran and ran sobering up as it went. We managed to break the station record for listeners (no, not the least listeners, the most) and we ended the evening with a big high five (although Eggy messed up the news link at the end - amateur) Face book is dead, long live having real friends!
Was this a one off though, with people tuning in just cos it was the first show? Will people come back or be scared off? Will it sky rocket and get head hunters from big radio stations looking for us to sign us up, or will we have head hunters from Penywaun looking for us to beat us up?
SO WHAT DID WE PLAY? We now have a page set up on the Peppermint Iguana website that gives details of when the next show is and what we played on the last show and answers all the other questions you might not have. Go to
THE NEXT SHOW IS THIS TUESDAY (18th October) FROM 8pm TILL 10pm. We are a little more organised this time and the play list will feature, among others, Dubrovnik, Tarantism, Tattsyrup, Bleedin’ Noses, Joe Gibbs, Major Lance, the Ethiopians, the Damned, King Blues, Crisis and Dub Trio. With first night nerves over and done with, we might even talk to each other. If you have any gig dates you want us to plug, let us know before Tuesday. Or failing that, e-mail us during the show
CAN’T WAIT TILLTHE 18TH? We are not the only show on Dapper FM you know, drop by and show some love for other DJs
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