A slightly longer and more in depth football blog than unusual … but hey, these are unusual times, you never know when we might be in this position again.
02:00 Sparky was around. We were unable to sleep due to being like kids on Christmas eve, we decided to stay awake all night.
02:30 fell asleep knackeredWayne with his traditional welsh kilt
06:30 up and ready for the charabang to Wembley
Sparky... can't stay awake, wont stay awake
08:00 on bus. Due to recent problems with bus company, bus was strictly ‘dry’. I think this is probably the first time EVER I have been on a dry bus to football. Started out listening to the special ‘road to Wembley’ singalong cd I prepared earlier. No one sung along. Sparky went straight back to sleep.
11:00 Arrived at a pub in the middle of no-where on an industrial estate near Heathrow. It had been pre-arranged, so they were expecting us, but you wouldn’t have guessed it. Within an hour they had run out of Strongbow. Several people ordered food. The ginger whinger ordered lamb shank. Lamb shank arrived but did not have enough veg on the plate to keep the whinger happy. He whinged. When he cut into the lamb it was uncooked. He whinged and took it back. Chef had to cut short his shift cleaning out the blockage in the toilet to stick the lamb in the microwave. Some of us retired to the beer garden for fresh air.
13:15; Back on the bus for final leg of trip. Bus still dry but spirits slightly wetter after the pub stop. We have ‘Top gear greatest driving anthems’ to keep us ‘entertained’.
15:50: met up with the Cardiff branch of the gang (the ones that had queued for hours to get our tickets and without whom this trip would not have been happening, bless ‘em) and found seats
16:04 middle aged, middle class couple ask really nicely if they could swap seats with a few of us.. if we were going to stand up they could not see.
16:06 less polite couple ask some of the gang to sit down less politely. Handbags are swung.
16:09: Joe Ledley scores (the other end from us.. so no pic)…. Everyone stands up! We then begin 80 minutes of nail biting; have seen us blow it in the last minute too many times to be happy until the last whistle.
"Lets all have a disco!"
17:50: Tears of joy roll as it sinks in that Cardiff city really are in the final of the FA cup for the first time since 1927. The Cardiff end of the stadium roars like a roaring thing on St Roaring day. We hang around for ages soaking it up.
Lap dancer brings around the champers
18:30: back to bus, which has parked in the perfect place for a sharp exit to avoid all the traffic.
20:30 the final four arrive on the bus so we can now make our exit not worrying about traffic cos everyone has gone. On trip home the dry restrictions were lifted slightly, cider and even champagne flowed. The ‘Top Gear’ cd is ditched and the singalong cd is given a reprieve. Oddly, everyone sings along. ‘Oi Clint, this cd sounds ten times better when you are pissed’ remarks one critic.
We arrive home and try to get our heads around whether or not we are dreaming…. An already thinking of the scramble to get tickets to do it again on the 17th may, cos ....
cool write up :) looks like u all had a wicked time... x
A fair an unbiased account of a spliffing day out.
Come on the City,
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