This has involved me brushing up on my project management techniques, going to visit a mate for some advice and teaching myself PowerPoint.
I don’t really need PowerPoint, they have made it quite clear that they are interested in my organising skills rather than my IT skills, but after a quick mess about with PowerPoint it was evident that it is a piece of p*ss to use and I wanted to use it instead of overheads and/or flip charts. I had to hold my self back from all the bells and whistles, i.e. the sound effects and animations, I am sure they would be a distraction.
This preparation meant that I had to miss out on going to watch Wales beat Azerbaijan two nil in the Millennium Stadium.
My football will also be interfered with over the weekend. I have to attend a three day long union committee meeting which rules out me going to Brighton for the weekend to watch the Bluebirds fly. I should not complain too much, I will be tucked up in a hotel, full board, with all expenses paid except the little matter of beer money… but there will be expenses that go some way towards cover that as well! It’s a hard life.
Anyway, I am now going to jump in the bath with me Ewan McGregor book and try to forget about S.M.A.R.T. targets, and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for half an hour.
Picture, random shot of a steep valleys street taken by myself today
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